People come to Mars to imagine new ways forward.
Stage on Mars in one word? Play. A creative playground where people, teams, businesses, and communities step beyond words, break limitations, and imagine new ways forward.

The Method

  • No phones, no screens. Here, you meet humans. Strangers. Friends. Teammates. Homo sapiens. Remember them?
  • On Mars, everyone brings a question. No answers, no opinions—just a question. Any question. The bigger and bolder, the better. What’s yours?
  • For every question, there’s a direction. And anyone can take the lead—turning a question into a play. Suggest characters, a simple plot, music, and the overall experience. It’s your vision. You imagine the way forward and bring everyone along.
  • Once we have a director, everyone else becomes a player. Not an actor—actors can’t play themselves. A player steps into a role to express what it means and feels like to them. In one evening, you could play a chihuahua or Donald Trump, if you wish. Ready to play?
  • After each play, we share what we’ve seen and experienced. We enrich one another and expand our perspectives, together. We communicate in a way almost forgotten behind screens—at the human level.

Personal and immersive

Stage on Mars experiences typically last a few hours and are designed for groups of 10 to 50 people. Beyond working with leaders and their teams, our concept applies to any community, any topic—anything that needs to be explored and played with. We’ve designed experiences for Forbes conferences, prime-time television reality shows, and a wide range of audiences seeking fresh perspectives and bold new directions.

The Team

  • Milan Šemelák

  • David Vais

  • Tomáš Pavlík

  • Jan Piskoř

  • Milan Šemelák

  • David Vais

  • Tomáš Pavlík

  • Jan Piskoř

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