Can't play on Earth? Play on Mars!
Vítej na Marsu! Tvoje největší otázky se tady promění v hry. Ptej se na cokoliv. Hraj si se vším. Propoj se se všemi. Uvidíš, co sám nevidíš. Jaká je tvoje otázka?

Pro jednotlivce

Výlet na Mars

Pro komunity. Pro jednotlivce. Pro týmy. Pro rodiny. Pro skupiny přátel. Pro každého, kdo chce prozkoumat svou zásadní otázku a hledat odpovědi tím nejzajímavějším možným způsobem.
Chci na výlet

Výlety na Mars

  • 16/10
    Wed. 14:00
    Česko on Mars
    Wed. 14:00
  • 30/10
    Wed. 16:30
    Humans on Mars
    Wed. 16:30
  • 22/11
    Fri. 16:30
    Leaders on Mars 06
    Fri. 16:30

Pro firmy

Mise na Mars

Pro komunity. Pro jednotlivce. Pro týmy. Pro rodiny. Pro skupiny přátel. Pro každého, kdo chce prozkoumat svou zásadní otázku a hledat odpovědi tím nejzajímavějším možným způsobem.
Hledám velké věci

Mise na Mars

Velké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věciVelké věci

Our Team

  • Milan Šemelák

  • David Vais

  • Tomáš Pavlík

  • Jan Piskoř

  • Milan Šemelák

  • David Vais

  • Tomáš Pavlík

  • Jan Piskoř

  • Media on Mars

    • Forbes on Mars?

      What is anti-consulting? How did we beat Elon to Mars? Do corporations need to have a soul? Enjoy a bit of business entertainment with the most influential Czech business magazine.

    • Czechcrunch on Mars?

      The most progressive start-up media in Czechia is covering our personal ambitions and the unconventional partnership between a high-end creative consultant and a builder of logistical infrastructure.

    • Ekonom on Mars?

      Great chat with Peter Kain, editor-in-chief of Ekonom Magazine, one of the most respected business media formats in the Czech Republic. We talked about answers, questions, and how to find a vision through play.

    • NFTs on Mars

      At the Non-Fungible Castle conference in 2022, we found ourselves unable to answer the question: “What is the true value of NFTs?” So we decided to turn it into a play. Tech experts, artists, and intellectuals played together to discover a rather surprising answer: Greed.

    • Leaders on Mars

      An experimental two-day event for business leaders, in collaboration with Vik Maraj, a speaker and negotiator who serves as the president of Unstoppable Conversation, a Canada-based consulting company.

    • Vision On Mars

      An article in Ekonom magazine describes how voluntary play can be helpful in defining the vision and direction for a company. This experience was designed for an Alaska-based fishing company selling the highest quality salmon in CEE.

    • Truban on Mars

      Talking about Stage on Mars with Michal Truban, one of the most succesful slovak entrepreneurs and one of the leaders of Slovak political opposition.

    • Nerudacast on Mars

      The most detailed discussion about what Stage on Mars is and how it works, featuring the fantastic Pavel Neruda, co-founder of OKTAGON MMA.


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